Cloud9 on Raspberry Pi

During the last period I’ve learned a lot about boards that can be used in Embedded Projects (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black …).
The last one has an interesting feature that has caught my attention.
The possiblity to install a web ide that can be accessed from other devices.

The question

Can I do that with the Raspberry Pi that I already own?
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B

The Solution

First of all we need an ide, I’ve chosen Cloud9 that is the opensource project on which is based

Cloud9 is developed using various technologies, the most important is [Node.js][url-nodejs-website].

I’ve found a lot of tutorial about installing Cloud9 on Raspberry Pi, but due to the fast evolving situation I’ve found a lot o problems during the process.
For this reason I’ve decided to write this tutorial to avoid other people to waste time.

First Step: install the OS on the SD

I’ve decided to use Debian Wheezy given its stability and diffusion.
You can find it (With installation istructions) at

Second Step: install Node.js

I was tempted to use the fast and recent version 0.10.x or the one from the repository 0.6.x, but I’ve chosen to use 0.8.17 for a simple reason, using too old or too new versions of Node.js Cloud9 does not install correctly, at least I’ve failed in doing so (if you have other experiences let me know).

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential openssl libssl-dev pkg-config libxml2-dev
cd ~
cd /usr/local
sudo tar xzvf ~/node-v0.8.17-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz --strip=1
export NODE_PATH="/usr/local/lib/node_modules"

This commands do update the system, they install necessary prerequisites, they download Node.js e and they install it in the folder /usr/local

Third Step: download Cloud9

For this step we use git to download the latest sources from github.

git clone cloud9

Fourth Step: install node-libxml

The standard version of node-libxml is not compatible with Raspberry Pi.
For this reason we download the sources and adapt them in order to compile correctly.

cd cloud9 && mkdir node_modules && cd node_modules
git clone libxml
cd libxml && git checkout v0.0.7 && git submodule init && git submodule update
nano support/o3/wscript

At the end of this step the nano editor will show up.
It is necessary to delete the configuration -msse2 from the file (you can find it in a couple of well visible places).
To save it CTRL+X followed by Y

We will now install node-libxml globaly (-g) (it requires from 15 to 20 minutes)

sudo npm install -g

Fifth Step: install Cloud9

During this step we will use npm.

Personal suggestion, before start the installation make a copy of the folder libxml just in case something goes wrong during the process (I’ve had problems 2 times, while the third it worked like a charm).


cd ~/cloud9
sudo npm install

Fifth Step bis: if something goes wrong

If something goes wrong clean the folder node_modules and copy libxml in place.

Now try again:

sudo rm -r ./node_modeles/*
cp ./libxml ./node_modules/libxml
sudo npm install

Sixth Step: fix vfs-local

Stopping here, you will encounter a problem.
A continuos message which states File already exists.
To avoid this, we will revert vfs-local back to a previous version.

rm -r ./node_modules/vfs-local
npm install vfs-local@0.3.4

The end of our journey

If carma has helped you (if you have trust in carma), if some saints are watching you (if you are a religious person), or just if you are lucky you will have on your Raspberry Pi a working installation of Cloud9.
You just need to know how to start it:

bin/ -l -w ~/git/

Replace ~/git with the folder you want to use as workspace, or delete -w ~/git allowing Cloud9 to move around in the entire File System.

To access Cloud9 just open your brower (is better Chrome, Chromium or Firefox) and surf to the address http://<raspberry pi ip>:3131/

Here are the links to a couple of tutorial I’ve followed to build mine:

Stack Overflow: Cloud9 Tries To Recreate Settings File

I hope this guide has helped you, do not esitate to post questions, clarification or just to say hello.

Carlo Bernashina